HaMeem/حم Tribal Tee - Youth
What does HaMeem mean?
There are 29 letters in the Arabic Alphabet (if hamza and alif are considered as two letters). There are 29 surahs/chapters in the Qur'an that have abbreviated letters prefixed to them.
7 of these chapters begin with HaMeem/حم.
No one knows the meaning of these abbreviated letters, the true meaning and purpose of these letters are known to Allah. We were drawn to the mysteriousness and complexity of this concept, and so this Tee contributes to the complexities and intricacies we love here at Waqara.
"For every book there is a secret, and all of the secrets in the Qur`an are in the opening letters of the chapters"
Youth shirt:
- Royal Blue & Pink
- 6.8oz, 100% Combed Ring-Spun Cotton
- Fits true to size
- Unisex